
Cycle of Meetings - EuGeStA Project: Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship.


 We are pleased to announce the second year of activities of the Cycle of Meetings organized by the

EuGeStA Project: Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship, which began exactly one year ago, on International Women's Day.

Each session is dedicated to two publications presented by the authors and/or organizers and lasts 1h20 (extended to 1h30 min, if necessary) . 

Zoom Link:  to receive it, please, fill the google form (DL: March 23):   https://forms.gle/C32Rts1Sr18wZHpV8.

Past sessions can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/@eugestaproject 


EuGeStA 2025 - 5th Session.png


The books commented in this session: 

Imprints of dance in ancient Greece and Rome 

Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean 


Thanks, in advance, for your presence!

Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Maria Cecilia Coelho, coordinators

Caio Assunção and Sofia Morais, assistants 

Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetMUAFK6MnHkyIvjdrb6VtIW6j67anreZDatXFcUV5TKahqw/viewform